We have maintained a deep interest in blurring and observing the boundaries between various artistic disciplines. Currently, Arphenotype is focusing upon utilizing techniques and constraints present within the production of synthetic systems and immersive digital virtual environments to influence architectural thoughts and potential modes of production. Since the advent of the computer chip, all of our productive capacities have become more computationally driven, whether through the direct inculcation of codes from our CPUs or through our hands mutating from the psychological affective range of computer thought. We see computation as an inextricable and intrinsic property within our environment that may be used to reconceptualise the current state of architecture. It raises the question of how the body as system is being recomposed. The changes are seen as electronic templates that become a part of the body – the body is no longer an isolated system; it is being recalibrated. We can apprehend that computers are extended phenotypes of our bodies and our skin. The question of mortality and immortality has been around for thousand of years. The development in techno genetics have profound possibilities not only for reengineering the body but also to reformat it. The new body is in its old skin augmented and perhaps simply redirected. The construction of the body as a series of electronical templates mixed with bones and flesh. The “other body” raises the question of how the body itself is a material – a Palimsest of electronic scripts and blood – a series of Phenotypes burning on each other; bending the flesh with digital scratches. The idea of information of systems in the body become part of experiencing causes, this causes the body to be a responsive site. No longer dictated, the body is being electronical formatted.
In the future the lost body is predestined to be crucified by electronic templates; the body is becoming a digital toast.
As such, Arphenotype is exploring methodologies driven by pseudo-genetic sequencing as well as strategies that acknowledge the presence of other types of virtuality – ‘other some-things’ that are becoming entrainment- virtual artefacts of our bodies. The sculptural solutions represent the idea of mortality trapped in the electronics; the metal jacket or skin piercing between flesh + techno seduction; our desire to pass our genotypes into future systems, riding with the wave of object based reality. This disjuncture between Mind and Body will create new conditions. We believe that we are approaching a period within which incredible changes and advancements will be made within the human species and that we are responsible for acknowledging the presence of certain possibilities and consequently developing new ways of thinking and doing in order to engage with the deep and profound ideas inherent within the various potentialities.